Price information - Sep 30, 2024

Circular 7 - 2024 New minimum prices for lobster

In connection with the opening of the lobster fishery on October 1, the Sunnmøre and Romsdal Fiskesalslag is introducing the following minimum prices for lobsters:

Circular 7 - 2024 New minimum prices for lobster

In Circular 7 - 2024, the Sunnmøre and Romsdal Fishing Association introduces the following minimum prices for lobster:


Live lobsters from 25cm and up to 1.2kg per piece. NOK 250,- per kg

Live lobster from 1.2kg to 2kg per item NOK 185 per kg

Live lobster over 2kg per item NOK 135 per kg


Lobsters that are missing claws do not have a reserve price.

The minimum size for lobster is 25 cm.

All lobsters to be traded must be marked with "tags".


We remind you that the lobster season is 01.10.2024 –31.12.2024

NB! It is important to have a delivery agreement before starting fishing.


Visit the dynamic minimum prices page for a full overview of current dynamic minimum prices.

Open the attached PDF in the link below to read the entire article.