
With the CatchSign app you can easily sign your fishing tickets electronically, and view all signed tickets. Do you need to create a new user? See information below.

How to create a user in CatchSign

Follow these steps to create a user in the CatchSign app. Want a more detailed explanation and to learn more about the features of the app? Watch the instructional video below.

Do you need help?

Would you like us to help you create a user? Give us a call .

If you sign with a username created via My Page , your username is made up of your date of birth and three letters from both your first name (F) and last name (E) in this format DDMMYYYYEEFFFF.

Have you forgotten your password? Create a new one using the forgotten password function in the app or on My Page at Surofi.

Step 1: Download the app

Download the CatchSign app via AppStore or GooglePlay. Open the app and log in using your username and password. See Step 2 if you don't have a username and password.

Step 2: Username and password

If you do not already have a username and password for the CatchSign app, you must create this on My Page under Administration > New signing user.

If you do not have a user agreement with Surofi to access My Page , you can apply for one by filling out the user agreement form here .

Step 3: Terms and contact information

After logging in, you must accept the terms of use and verify your contact information. Here you enter your mobile number and email address.

Step 4: Verify your user

You will receive an SMS code that must be entered to verify the user, and you will then have the opportunity to create your own PIN code or activate FaceID to ensure safe use of the app.