Current Affairs - Oct 04, 2022

Fishing fleet youth muster 2022

The purpose of the fishing fleet's youth mustering is to highlight the importance of the fishing industry and convey that the fishing fleet contributes to great opportunities for aiming for many exciting jobs within the fishing industry - both onboard and on land.

Fishing fleet youth muster 2022

This year's event took place in Øygardshallen in Giske on Friday 02.09.2022, the mustering was filmed and streamed so that the students could follow the broadcast live from the classroom. A total of approximately 1500 10th graders from 29 schools in Møre og Romsdal followed the live broadcast. The main ingredients of the youth mustering are information about the seafood industry, interviews with young people who have chosen a career in the fishing fleet, Kahoot with a cash prize for the winning class, and musical entertainment.

This year's musical artist was Sverre Eide, known from, among other things, The Voice.

Odd Kristian Dale, information manager at Fiskebåt, gave an introduction to the Norwegian seafood industry with a focus on the fishing fleet. Speaker Oddbjørn Skarbøvik also interviewed Vegar Humlung from Ålesund High School.

In a Kahoot about the fishing industry with a cash prize, Myklebust School won 10,000 kroner for the class - as well as an iPad for the student who came out on top in the competition.

The event is a collaboration between Surofi, Møre og Romsdal Fishermen's Association, Marine Competence Center and Fiskebåt.

Sponsors of the event are Surofi, Sparebanken Møre and the Norwegian Herring Sales Association.

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