Current - Sep 30, 2024

Long queue for fresh crabs at the quay

– Typical customer? There is no such thing! says shark fisherman Espen Marø Farstad, who sells crab and crab claws on Skansegata in Ålesund.

Long queue for fresh crabs at the quay

– Sales have been good so far – and good attendance. People definitely like using the city. I have a little left now, but there will be some random sales after hours and then we're done, says Espen Marø Farstad, captain of the shark Snøgg.

SJARK AS A WORKPLACE FOR THE LAST 15 YEARS: – I still enjoy it, even though some days are better than others. I have no plans to quit – and I don't like change either, says Espen Marø Farstad with a smile.

He has spent the last 40 minutes selling crab and crab claws to eager customers on the quay. The first customers were already in line half an hour before he docked.

One of those standing in line this Friday is Roy Kasper Naalsund.

TROFAST CRAB CUSTOMER: – Kaisalg is absolutely great! I use it – through Facebook I was about to say. It's brilliant, so to anyone who hasn't used it before; go to "Kaisalg Ålesund and surrounding areas – Surofi", says Roy Kasper Naalsund.

– Kaisalg is absolutely great! I use it – through Facebook I was about to say. That's where I get the information. It's brilliant, so to anyone who hasn't used it before; go to "Kaisalg Ålesund and surrounding areas – Surofi".

Farstad says that this year's season started very well, but that it has since declined – even with popular quayside sales:

– I think it will make it to October again, then. It usually does anyway. October is usually a good crab month and in November we start with crayfish.

POPULAR SHARK: Snøgg is a well-known figure on the quay along Skansegata in Ålesund.
– Fresh ingredients from the sea

Margit Elise Valbø is also among the many who wait patiently in line. She works shifts and often has the morning off – and then it's perfect to take the trip down to the quay.

– I'm here today to buy crabs and shrimp. I usually make the trip out here occasionally, and today I got both.

She buys the crabs with Snøgg and the shrimp with the nearby shark, Real 1, with fisherman Hans-Isak Leithe Røsvik.

– I think quayside sales are really good. Here I get the opportunity to buy fresh produce from the sea.

PATIENT KITCHEN CUSTOMER: – I'm here today to buy crabs and shrimp. I usually make the trip out here occasionally, and today both worked out well, says Margit Elise Valbø.
Eight-year-old on a crab hunt

Farstad says he doesn't have a typical customer. He gets visits from customers of all ages and from different nationalities – and not least with different personalities.

– For example, last weekend a girl who must have been eight years old came by. She came straight from school and asked if I sold crabs and said that “crabs are so good”. She asked if she could have a crab, and I said “okay”. The girl was delighted and looked down into the bag and said: “now mommy will be so happy!”

– So you see, here it is! I can't describe a typical customer, says the fisherman with a smile.

– Crab curry will be on the menu

Senti Thiru from Oslo is among Farstad's "new customers." This weekend, he and a friend are visiting a friend in Ålesund.

– What do you like about quay sales?

– You get fresh crabs straight from the sea, and in addition you stand in line and meet new people – a unique experience!

Thiru and his friend have plans ready for what they will serve tonight:

– There will be some crab with bread, and we will also try to make some crab curry – a bit exotic, he says and laughs.

ENSURING WEEKEND COZY: – There will be some crab with bread, and we will also try to make some crab curry, says Senti Thiru.

This is on the menu of the two other customers we have spoken to:

  • Margit Elise Valbø: Crab with bread, butter, mayonnaise and lemon. Big favorite!
  • Roy Kasper Naalsund: Crab, bread, lots of mayonnaise and lemon. It's crab on the plate, simply put. I like a good mix – and everything should be included, not just the white, no, no, no.
– I don't like changes.

Now the supply of crabs and crab claws at the fisherman Farstad is starting to dwindle.

He says that the shark Snøgg has been his workplace for the past 15 years – and then he has naturally experienced most of the harsh northwest weather.

– I still enjoy it, although some days are better than others. I have no plans to quit – and I don't like change either!

Do you want to take advantage of quayside sales?

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